Bugs In My Garden

Black and Yellow Garden Spider
Black and Yellow Garden Spider
Red Admiral Butterfly
Red Admiral Butterfly
American Lady Butterfly
American Lady Butterfly
Common Whitetail Skimmer (Female)
Common Whitetail Skimmer (Female)
Western Spotted Orbweaver
Tawny Emperor Butterfly
Tawny Emperor Butterfly
Question Mark Butterfly
Question Mark Butterfly
Fiery Skipper
Fiery Skipper
Green Stink Bug
Green Stink Bug
Brown Stink Bug
Goatweed Leafwing Butterfly


8 thoughts on “Bugs In My Garden

    • Thanks so much for your comment. We also have Painted Lady butterflies in the U. S. I had the toughest time trying to figure how which one I had photographed. Turns out the American Lady has a small white spot in the outer orange area in the upper wing, while the Painted Lady doesn’t. How similar yet different! Shieldbug is a good name for the Stink Bugs, I think, as they do resemble shields. I appreciate you comment so much. Thanks!


      • You’re welcome. I’m not surprised as they really look so similar. I see lots of brown and green Shieldbugs, mostly on the blackberry bush and raspberries. xx


        • I’m not sure what they eat on around here. I’ve seen them on sunflowers, though, and I think they’re a pest to peaches. I read some information recently that indicated that they can actually invade your house because they’re attracted to the bright lights. I wasn’t aware of that. Hopefully we don’t have enough of them here to worry about that!


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