Picture Perfect Monday: Gallimaufry of Butterflies

Butterflies May 9, 2015
Butterflies May 9, 2015


Question Mark Butterfly (Polygonia interrogationis)

Red Admiral Butterfly (Vanessa atalanta)

Hackberry Emperor Butterfly (Asterocampa celtis)

Butterflies May 9, 2015
Butterflies May 9, 2015

Butterflies don’t just subsist on nectar. What exactly do they eat — actually they drink — you might ask? Certain species of butterflies actually prefer foods such as decaying fruit, decaying animal tissue, bird droppings, manure or tree sap.

The various butterflies in the photos above were dining on a banana that I placed outside in a flower pot saucer. Over several days of sun and rain the banana has almost deteriorated — and the butterflies are loving it! As are certain other insects. Don’t look if you’re squeamish about rotten fruit or large flies…

Butterflies May 9, 2015
Butterflies May 9, 2015

If you have a butterfly garden — or even if you don’t, but just love butterflies! — consider providing some not-so-flowery treats for them. You might be surprised at what shows up!

16 thoughts on “Picture Perfect Monday: Gallimaufry of Butterflies

  1. Amazing! I will try this when we get more butterflies. And thanks you for the wonderful word which is new to me, I had to look it up. Gallimaufry, I love it. I thought at first that it was the word for a group of butterflies like a charm of finches or a murder of crows. So I looked up the word for a group of butterflies and found that it is actually a kaleidoscope of butterflies. Isn’ t that wonderful?


    • My husband and I watch an old game show on the Game Show Network every evening. One of the words the host likes to use is ‘gallimaufry’. So I decided I’d try it out! I wasn’t aware that a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope, but it certainly fits doesn’t it?


  2. What a great tip! We’ve had butterflies showing up in droves over fallen loquat fruit but it around the corner from most windows. I can easily place fruit in a low bowl to draw the action in closer to our windows for the people and the cats to enjoy. Thanks for sharing the idea.


    • I’ve had all sorts of butterflies lately because of the bananas. The containers get pretty gross and attract other bugs, but I put up with both because the butterflies are so wonderful to see….and because some butterflies prefer the rotten fruit over the yummy nectar I like to believe I’m keeping them from starving!


  3. An interesting post and wonderful pictures. I’m always delighted when I see butterflies on the plot. Gallimaufry is a great word which I’ve not seen used for a long time. xx


  4. I’ve seen this feeding at the butterfly museum, but I had forgotten it. The butterflies are so intricate and beautiful, camouflaged to look like bark, like handmade paper and I love the one that is marbled. Great post!


  5. Wow how wonderful to have such beautiful butterflies and so many as well, up here in the north of England it has still been a little cold, but slowly they are starting to fly, down south they have far more. Have been planting for the bees and white flowers for the moths as they like white flowers, I would imagine butterflies would like them too. Have a few Buddleia tree which I know they like..
    Amanda xx


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