My Garden This Week

March 21, 2015

Spring is finally here and the garden is beginning to come to life. Above are photos of the flowers and buds that brightened the past week. I discovered the Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum) just this morning. For the past several years they’ve barely shown themselves and have disappeared before having a chance to even bloom.

Leaf buds, seedlings and sprouts have been making an appearance this week as well. The Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ (top row) is a cutting that I rooted late last summer and planted in the fall. It’s not much to look at right now but it will grow quickly once the warm weather decides to stick around. I was surprised to see the Snow On The Mountain (Euphorbia marginata) seedlings already up (middle row). There are quite a few of them scattered around several flower beds. And at least one Turk’s Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus) is showing leaf buds (bottom row).

Evergreen Tree Seedling
Evergreen Tree Seedling

Here is a small evergreen tree seedling that I found at the base of another tree last summer. I transplanted it to another area and managed to keep it alive. It’s doing quite well and has a beautiful color. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to identify it.

Tree Branches and Rain
Tree Branches and Rain

We had some very beneficial rain on Thursday. The weather service only measured about a quarter of an inch, but we received about three quarters of an inch at our house. It’s also been raining lightly this evening. No drought-busters but welcome nonetheless.

The past week was a good one for my garden. I can’t wait to see what the next seven days will bring!

16 thoughts on “My Garden This Week

  1. Your comment about hoping to identify your tree seedling “one day” made me smile. I put seed out here, it looks like nothing germinates, I forget, I put out other seed, still no obvious results, lather, rinse, repeat. Then we get a run of warm afternoons, a bit of rain, and there are seedlings galore and I’ve no idea what is what. Some of them may be weeds, but I simply won’t know until they develop identifying characteristics. Surprise babies – that’s how I think of them!


    • I know exactly what you’re talking about! That’s one reason I only pick what I absolutely know are truly weeds. I’ve tossed out so many seedlings in the past that I now wait until they show some semblance of what they might actually be before I make a decision on what to do with them!


  2. So much happening in your garden! Good to see while I wait for our snow to melt. I think your evergreen may be a juniper species. Is there a parent around to compare it to?


  3. Your photos are lovely with a great selection of spring flowers on show. Been round my garden to day and I am thinking I will have to water the pots soon, birds have been having soil baths in them throwing all the soil out !
    Amanda xx


  4. I have to chuckle at the difference in progress toward spring between your garden right now and mine (under snow in Vermont!) I spotted the first snow drops today. Nonetheless, I see that we share many of the same plants. You’re just ahead of us – it’s a long wait for daffodils here.


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